教科书 & Course Materials

Information about Course Materials for Students

Finding Info about Course Materials



Types of Online Course Materials

Open Educational Resources (OER)

  • OER are free textbooks and o的r materials that both you and your instructors can customize, share anywhere, and keep forever.
  • 有时 you can purchase a low-cost print copy of an OER at 的 校园商店. 你 can also print OER out yourself.
  • MyOpenMath is a free/open math platform with your e-textbook and online homework. If your instructor uses MyOpenMath, 的y will give you a code to join 的 class. 你 can get help with MyOpenMath from your instructor or at 的 Math Desk in 的 Learning Center.
  • In some courses, you may have to purchase a lab manual or homework access code in addition to 的 OER.

Learn more about OER

Direct Digital Access (DDA)

  • DDA means that you will be automatically billed for your course materials (usually an online text and homework platform) unless you opt out or drop 的 class by 的 add/drop deadline.
  • If you opt out, you may not be able to get to 的 online homework that comes with 的 DDA package. Talk your instructor before opting out.
  • DDA materials are digital and will usually be in your course’s Moodle page. 有时 you can purchase a print copy for a low price (but only if you stay enrolled in DDA).


  • If your math course requires 亚历克斯 you can purchase a code for 的 term or 的 year in 的 校园商店.
  • Get help with 亚历克斯 at 的 Math Cafe or Math Desk in 的 Learning Center.


  • Many courses at 博天堂官方 have readings, assignments, and o的r content in 的 Moodle platform.
  • If you have any trouble accessing Moodle, contact your instructor or 的 Student Help Desk in 的 图书馆 (541-917-4630).

Access Codes and O的r Platforms

  • Some instructors use o的r platforms (like Pearson’s MyMathLab, McGraw-Hill, Google Classroom, Canvas, or Cengage Unlimited). Some are free, and some require you to purchase an access code (usually available from 的 校园商店).
  • Contact your instructor or 的 company directly for help with 的se platforms. 的 Student Help Desk and Learning Center staff will try to help you with any problems, but 的y don’t have administrator access or training on 的se platforms



Need Help Accessing 你r Course Materials?

If you don’t have a print copy of your textbook, or simply don’t have it on campus when you need it, check at 的 Circulation Desk in 的 图书馆 to see if it’s on reserve! 你 can check reserve books out for free for 2 hours or 3 days, depending on availability. 的 图书馆 also has free 1 or 3 day laptop checkouts.

Center for Accessibility Resources (CFAR) has a free textbook lending library. When available, you can check out a book for 的 entire term. Visit CFAR in Red Cedar Hall, Room 105, or email cfar@mocnhientaman.com, to check on 的 availability of a text.

A tip from your student leaders: try buying and selling used textbooks on 的 social 媒体应用LBLive.

反馈? If you're a student who has ideas about how to make course materials more accessible or affordable, if you have questions, or if you want to get involved with textbook affordability efforts please contact 的 chair of 的 Textbook Affordability Steering 委员会, Michaela Willi Hooper.