



To comply with Oregon Revised Statute 244 and Oregon Government Standards and Practices Commission Advisory 意见编号98A - 1003 in the use of college- owned/rented 或者个人拥有的设备.


College-owned or rented equipment shall be used only for college-related business. Regardless of its location, college equipment shall be used in conformance with Oregon Revised Statute 244 and Oregon Government Standards and Practices Commission Advisory 意见编号98A - 1003.


No college employee or student may operate a college-owned or rented vehicle without first submitting a signed Driver Status Report form to the 安全 and Loss Prevention Department, be in compliance with the college 开车 guidelines as an approved driver, be over 19 years of age, and have at least three years 开车 experience from the 他/她的执照正本日期.College employees or students who drive personal vehicles on college-related business are required to have in force the state mandated minimum automobile liability insurance and have submitted the Driver Status Report form to be an approved driver for 博天堂官方. 

A recent history of moving violations and/or accidents may prevent an employee or 学生成为合格的司机. 此外,司机应成功 complete a college-approved van driver training course prior to 开车 a van on college-authorized trips with renewal training certification every two years for three consecutive renewal 周期. Van drivers must understand the specific limitations of the vehicle before 开车.  部门 and drivers shall comply with established billing, reservation, 通知要求. 

  1. Drivers must follow all state laws when 开车 on college business.
  2. Seat belts must be worn at all times by the driver and all passengers.
  3. No roof racks or trailers may be used with any van.
  4. Loading of passengers (and luggage/equipment) should be placed so that the center 重力集中在飞行器上. 车辆不应超载(检查) 汽车手动). A maximum of 12 people (including the driver) in a 15- passenger 允许使用面包车.
  5. 开车过12:00 a.m. is not recommended under routine circumstances. 如果开车 is conducted past midnight, then an auxiliary driver will be seated up with the driver 协助驾驶. Driver fatigue shall be monitored by passengers and addressed 由休息和/或救济司机.
  6. Drivers are encouraged to take time of day and road conditions into consideration and drive more slowly than the speed limit if those conditions warrant.
  7. When inclement weather such as ice on the roads, dense fog, freezing rain, and heavy snow make travel unsafe, drivers shall seek shelter and refrain from 开车 until road conditions improve when inclement weather such as ice on the roads, dense fog, freezing rain, and heavy snow make travel unsafe.
  8. All vans shall carry a flashlight, road warning device (flares), first aid kit, and 小型灭火器.
  9. Drivers shall not use a cell phone while the vehicle is in motion.
  10. No alcohol, drugs, or over-the-counter medications that impair driver safety are allowed.


College-issued cellular telephones shall be used only for college business.

  1. Criteria for Issuance and Use of a Cellular Telephone
    1. There must be a demonstrable, documentable need for an employee to have a college-issued 为了大学的生意,我买了手机.
    2. Issuance of a college cellular phone shall be approved by the employee's supervisor 他们的副总统.
    3. Employees are prohibited from using college-issued cell phones for personal use except in emergency situations or extenuating circumstances, such as the need to phone home when the employee is off campus and college business requires them to work past a 预定工作时间. 
    4. Phones, if approved, will be supplied by the college and become college property.  The usage plan will be a college-administered and purchased plan.  员工会 不要选择供应商或手机.  
    5. The employee and his/her supervisor, or designee, are responsible for reviewing phone bills and identifying personal calls beyond de minimus use.  个人通话记录 may be used to rescind approval of college issued cellular phone.  
    6. 部门 issuing cell phones are responsible for keeping cell phone statements.  The statements are a public record subject to the 博天堂官方 archiving policy. 
    7. When individuals change positions within the college, the continuing need/justification for a college-issued phone will be reviewed by the employee's new supervisor and vice 总统.  


When an employee has a demonstrable, documentable need for a portable device to conduct college business, the employee and his/her supervisor will consult with Information Services to determine the appropriate device to meet user and college needs. 购买 of the device will be coordinated through Information Services and charged to the 用户部门M&年代基金. The device will remain the property of the college. If a device is not approved by Information Services, it may not be supportable or allowed 在校园网.



DATE(S) OF REVISION(S): 08/20/85; 03/14/89; 09/15/98; 02/03/09; 05/02/11, 6/2013; 10/03/13, 12/1/16; 1/3/19; 1/7/21
DATE OF LAST REVIEW: 10/03/13, 12/1/16; 1/3/19